Fuel-Treatment Systems / Filter Water Separators

February 3, 2011 No Comments

Fuel-Treatment Systems / Filter-Water-Separators of Mahle NFV

water separator

Diesel fuel oils

Dieseloils, e.g. medium distillates like HEL, MDO, MGO, F75 / F76, F54 etc., are industrial manufactured products with specific defaults but enormous differences.
Especially the way from the refinery to the road tanker, bulkcarrier or pipelines in the tank reservoirs and from there through further  carriers to the end-user is causing unintended and not calculable changement of the fluids.

water separator


The contaminations caused by the previously mentioned ways are:


  • particles of rust in different sizes
  • dust and sand
  • sediments of the products

Water, leading to:

  • micro organisms

An effective fuel-treatment means suitable filtration with simultaneous water-separation.


Filtrationtest with a contaminated fueloil MGO,  stored in an aluminium tank.

In the range of 1,2 µm only parts of oxydations remain.

water separator


Reason for contamination with water:

Normally water in diesel fuel oils occures out of:

• production – process
• tank air vent and
• condensation due to temperature fluctuation

Diesel fuel oil with a temperature of 20°C is already binding 70 ppm  water, without causing a dull. Technical delivery conditions permit even a much higher water – content.

Max. permissible water-contents under technical delivery-conditions:

• DIN EN 590:  200 mg/kg
• TL 9140-0003 (BWB for F75):  200 mg/kg
• Shell Specification (Gas Oil):  0,1%

Removing water out of medium-distillates down to a minimum possible rate has the following reasons:

•  Water is the environment where micro organisms live in:

the limit for micro organisms growing is up to

ca. 50 – 60 ppm non-solved water

•  Water is binding salts
•   Under high pressure water is more abrassive than dirt, f.e. in fuel   injection systems
• Reaching a separation level of the non-solved water down to a residual-content < 20 ppm, i.e. with a rate of separation at 99,998%, will solve all of the above mentioned problems.

water oil separator

water oil separator

In this tank(Al Mg Si 4,5) the silicons served as trace minerals and hence as fertile soil for micro organisms.

A black slimy „placenta“ with a particle-size of approx. 1µm grew.

water oil separator

The solution is:  Fuel-Treatment with a MAHLE NFV – Dewatering System

water oil separator

Development of the filter- coalescer- elements

The classic Coalescer initially had been developed for the whole aviation-range, i.e. normally for a clean and low-viscosity product of low density.

water oil separator

water oil separator

Tags: , , , , , , , , Industrial Filtration

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Fuel-Treatment Systems / Filter Water Separators

Fuel-Treatment Systems / Filter-Water-Separators of Mahle NFV Diesel fuel oils Dieseloils, e.g. medium distillates like HEL, MDO, MGO, F75...